Its latest, released in 2014, is the VorTeq, a hydraulic pumping system for fracking that reroutes sand and chemicals to make the process cleaner and more efficient. It manufactures devices for the large energy companies that do. Right now, Joel Gay is more focused on running Energy Recovery, which calls itself 'the leader in pressure energy technology.' The small-cap, 24-year-old, San Leandro, Calif.-based company, which went public in 2008, plays in the oil and gas space but does not itself do drilling. 'In the business world, I think the barriers are different and more invisible.' 'It's easier to address this problem in the literary world, because amazing women writers and amazing writers of color are simply abundant, and editors choose not to publish them,' she says. Gay, who also teaches literature at Purdue University and whose essay collection 'Bad Feminist' was a New York Times bestseller, sees the same issues in her own field, but thinks it's easier to fix in publishing than in business.